Air unit attacks are used to attack enemy sectors and units. They do not capture any sectors.
All attacks are carried out in the order in which they're set. If, for example, you're moving a group of land units into an area and would like to missile the enemy first, be sure to set your missile attacks first so your land units aren't affected by the missiles collateral damage.
To attack a sector, land unit, or sea unit, click the object you would like to attack and then click the "air attack" option (
) in its row. You will then be presented with a map highlighting all of the available air units within range of the target as well as the path from the unit's base to the target. You can hover over a base to see the units available and within range. To set an attack, click the base from which you'd like to attack and then select the attack levels (i.e. the number of jets, missiles, and/or bombs you would like to launch).
To cancel attacks, see help for Bases.
The path from the air base to the target is important because the units will take fire from any enemy units or defense turrets they fly over during their attack. Land units fire at 10% strength, sea units at 40%, and defense turrets at 100%. (Units/defenses owned by countries with which you have a treaty will not fire on your units.)
Air attacks will not take place if the target sector belongs to you or someone with which you hold a treaty, or if the unit you are targeting has already been destroyed.
Jets that survive the flight to the target, the attack, and the return flight will returned to their base and can be used again. Missiles and bombs are one-time use only.