Defensive turrets provide protection from land and air attacks.
Defensive turrets provide protection from land and air attacks.
Defense turrets cost $500 (per strength level) to create. They have an attack power level of 70 and an armor level of 4.
Turrets can be sold for 40% of their value.
Information about an existing turret can be viewed by clicking the turret, then clicking the "info" option ().
Defense turrets are created by clicking on a construction truck, then clicking the "create" option () within the defense turret row.
When a construction truck is placed on it, a turret can be developed to a higher strength using the "modify" option ().
A turret can be sold using the "sell" option ().
Turrets are vital to keeping bases alive. Not only do they provide a large defense boost to the sector they are on, they also do damage to any enemy aerial units flying over them